Skyward Family Access
FAMILY ACCESS, our student administrative software from Skyward, enables us to provide you, over the Internet, the following student information: Daily Progress, Attendance, Schedule, Trimester Grades, your student’s basic Demographic Information, and the ability to turn on Email Notifications.
To get your login information, please contact your child's school office.
To Connect to Skyward Family Access
Click on the “Skyward Family Access” button on any of the school’s home pages. The Skyward Family Access Login Screen should appear.
Enter your Family login ID and Password. If you lose your ID and/or Password, please call the main office of the school your child attends.
Click on the “Enter” button.
This will take you to the main Skyward Family Access screen. Near the top in the middle will be your child’s name. If you have more than one child, their names can be seen by clicking on the arrow to the right of the name. A drop down box will display their names. The default information displayed is a history of the information accessed at the last login.
To Access Attendance Information
Click on the “Attendance” button on the left side of the screen. The current month’s calendar will be displayed with symbols displayed on the days your student was absent. A definition of the symbol is given at the bottom of the screen.
To Access Your Student's Schedule
Click on the “Schedule” button on the left side of the screen. Your student’s current schedule is displayed on the “Current” tab. Once course requests are put in for next year you can view them under the “Next year” tab.
To Access Demographic & Family Information
Click on the “Student Information” button. The “Demographic” tab will list basic information on your student.
Click on the “Family” tab to view your family information.
Email Notifications
Click on “My Account” on the top right of the page. You can turn on notifications for attendance, grading and progress reports.
Click “Save”.
To Access Your Student's Daily Progress
Click on “Gradebook.” Your student’s classes will be displayed with the current grade for each class.
Click on the underlined grade to see the assignments that make up that grade.
To Exit
When you are finished using Skyward Family Access, logout of the system by clicking on the “Exit” button in the top right corner.