About Us
Our outstanding staff is looking forward to a productive partnership with parents/guardians to ensure all students achieve their highest potential. We recognize that in order to be successful, students need support from home and the school community. This strong partnership will make a great difference in your child's education and we are proud to share the responsibility. We have started to build a Multi-tiered System of Support with interventions embedded to meet students where they are at socially and academically to help them be successful. As this system of support develops in each classroom and throughout the building, we will continue to use summative and formative assessments to monitor the students' progress on meeting the Michigan Academic Standards and making adjustments to facilitate student growth. We will also be collecting and using data specific to behavior to give support to students as needed.
Part of our MTSS system is the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) system. This is a proactive approach to establishing behavior expectations and necessary supports to create a positive social culture within our school. The staff will teach these expectations in all areas/locations of the building during the first days of school and throughout the year. This explicit instruction is needed for all students to know what is acceptable and expected so they can achieve social, emotional and academic success. Our School Acronym to remember these expectations is:
Ready to be
Students and Staff
We are committed to preparing our students for a lifetime of growth and we ask for your support.
Together, we are all WARRIORS!
To learn more about our MTSS and PBIS system, please look through the Student Handbook.